How do I schedule retweets for my own account?
With Hypefury, you can schedule retweets of your own content in a variety of ways. In this article, we'll touch on some of the key ways to do it.
If you know the tweet URL you want to schedule a retweet for, you can find an empty slot in your Queue and select the Retweet icon:

When you enter the tweet URL, Hypefury will show you a preview:

To grab the URL, find the tweet you want to grab the URL for, and click or tap on the sharing button:

Then just Copy link to Tweet:

This same process works pretty much the same on the Twitter app, too. You'll find a Copy Link button after opening the Share Tweet menu.
Pro Tip: If you're using an Android device, and have the Hypefury (PWA) app installed on your device, you can Share the Tweet straight into the Hypefury app. When it opens Hypefury, it will automatically paste the link for you. Simples!
By using your History inside Hypefury, you can find a few options for scheduling a Retweet of something you've already posted:

For Standard plan users, you will see posts you've made using Hypefury in your History only. On the Premium plan, you'll see your entire tweet history from Twitter because we run a daily import of all tweets.
In this elipses submenu, you can find different options:
Retweet Now tells Hypefury to retweet this post for you immediately
Schedule Once gives you the option to select a Queue slot to schedule this retweet into
Schedule Repeat allows you to schedule retweets of this post from now on a daily schedule until a specified date.
There are other methods of scheduling retweets with Hypefury in an automated way, just search in our Helpdesk for "Evergreen" to learn all about Evergreen Posts!
If you know the tweet URL you want to schedule a retweet for, you can find an empty slot in your Queue and select the Retweet icon:

When you enter the tweet URL, Hypefury will show you a preview:

How do I find the Tweet's unique URL?
To grab the URL, find the tweet you want to grab the URL for, and click or tap on the sharing button:

Then just Copy link to Tweet:

This same process works pretty much the same on the Twitter app, too. You'll find a Copy Link button after opening the Share Tweet menu.
Pro Tip: If you're using an Android device, and have the Hypefury (PWA) app installed on your device, you can Share the Tweet straight into the Hypefury app. When it opens Hypefury, it will automatically paste the link for you. Simples!
Scheduling retweets from your History
By using your History inside Hypefury, you can find a few options for scheduling a Retweet of something you've already posted:

For Standard plan users, you will see posts you've made using Hypefury in your History only. On the Premium plan, you'll see your entire tweet history from Twitter because we run a daily import of all tweets.
In this elipses submenu, you can find different options:
Retweet Now tells Hypefury to retweet this post for you immediately
Schedule Once gives you the option to select a Queue slot to schedule this retweet into
Schedule Repeat allows you to schedule retweets of this post from now on a daily schedule until a specified date.
There are other methods of scheduling retweets with Hypefury in an automated way, just search in our Helpdesk for "Evergreen" to learn all about Evergreen Posts!
Updated on: 16/02/2024
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