Why am I getting "Unable to process request due to missing initial state" when using Firefox?
When you are using Firefox, you might face the following issue when signing in to Hypefury. Hypefury Error Message This is due to the very strict protection that Firefox has by default. Hypefury needs trackers and cookies to be able to log you in using your Twitter account. Resolving the issue by allowing cookies and trackers for all sites Head over to Firefox's Settings page and select Privacy and SPopularClearing your local storage for Hypefury
There can be instances where you will be required to clear your local storage to fix issues or refresh your data. To do that, you can do the following: Google Chrome Open the Google Chrome console by pressing F12 (Windows) or Option + Command + J (Mac). Select Application from the top menu Select Local Storage from the left menu (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/12a4325c7dSome readersHow to disable content & ad blockers for Hypefury
Some common web browsers have built in content and ad blockers and many people also use additional extensions in their browsers for this purpose. In this article you can find the instructions for disabling blockers and/or whitelisting the Hypefury app for different browsers and tools which can alleviate a lot of common issuSome readersProblems scheduling videos
Sometimes the integration with Twitter's API can cause problems for users trying to schedule video tweets. This is because Twitter's API doesn't currently handle videos so well. But we've found a few workarounds that can help you consistently add tweets with video to your Hypefury schedule. Video Specifications In order to successfully schedule videos whilst using Hypefury, we recommend that you use the following video limitations: Max video resolutiSome readersProblems connecting your Instagram account
Are you facing any issues connecting your Instagram account? Is your Instagram account not showing up on the pop-up window? Let's try to solve this by addressing some common issues. Check if the Instagram account is properly set as a Business account. Go to Instagram and click onFew readers"This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies maybe be disabled" on Brave Browser
First, rest assured that Hypefury works on Brave. The error you have is caused by Brave's shield (the anti-tracking feature) blocking the cookies, which are necessary to log you in and remember you the next time you use Hypefury. To fix this, simply click on the shield at the right side of the address bar, and select Cross-site cookies blocked from the first select dropdown. In some cases you might need to choose All cookies allowed instead.Few readersI changed my schedule and now have random time slots
In situations where you update your posting schedule, your previously scheduled tweets will not be moved to the new slots you added. Scheduled tweets are not linked to individual slots, but to specific times, so you will end up with slots filled with the previously scheduled tweets and slots that are empty (new ones). You can fix this by using the Move all tweets to top button in the ellipses submenu next to the "What would you like to share" composer. This will collect up all yourFew readersMy profile picture doesn't appear on Firefox
If the upper right of your screen looks like the image above, it's because Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection is enabled. To disable it, click on the shield icon at the left of your address bar, and turn Enhanced Tracking Protection off. Before:Few readersWhy is my schedule button disabled in the composer?
The schedule button is disabled when the post is unfinished and cannot be posted. Below are the most common reasons on why this happen: There are tweets beyond the 280 character limit To check this, select each tweet and make sure that none of them are over the limit as shown in the screenshot below. Limit will indicate a negative number to show how many characters the tweet is past the limitFew readersWhoa there! Request token error when connecting to Hypefury
If you are trying to log in or connecting a secondary account and you're getting the request token issue, try to clear the cookies from the Twitter API following the steps below. First, head over to https://api.twitter.com Note that the page will not actually load Then press F12 (Windows) or Option + CommandFew readersHow do I disable an Auto DM campaign early?
Auto DM campaigns run for 72 hours (3 days) after the tweet is posted. To end it earlier, you can head to your History page and look for the auto DM tweet. Click on the vertical ellipsis to show additional options and select Disable Campaign. This will immediately disable the campaign for this tweet. Disabling the DM campaign from the History Page From the Campaigns page, you can switch the filter fromFew readersHow do I clear the cache for Hypefury?
To clear the cache that is only used by Hypefury, firs you need to go to the app (app.hypefury.com). Then click on the site information button on the left of the link bar. Next, click on the Cookies and site data. Lastly, click on the trash icon next to the website to delete the cache and the cookies (https://stFew readersHow do I disconnect Hypefury from my Twitter account?
To disconnect your account, log in to your Twitter account and go to the Connected Page setting. You can use this link to go there directly. It will show all the apps that are connected to your account. Click on Hypefury and then click on Revoke to disconnect your account. ToFew readers